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English 11 & 12 Course Syllabus

Academic Year: 2016-2017

English 11 & 12 connects the modern student with language, culture, and history through literature.  Our efforts will not only trace the ancestry of modern thought but also find relevance in these ideas as they relate to us as individuals and as a society. 

Composition: The writing process will be stressed through a variety of informal and formal assignments, including: diagnostics, argumentative essays, reader response, text analysis, and timed essays. 


Language Conventions: A holistic approach integrates skill development with the reading and writing of texts.  This course targets skills of vocabulary, process writing, style, clarity, coherence, conciseness, grammar, and mechanics.   


English Regents: A passing score on the English Regents exam is a required component for the Regents diploma. If students have not already achieved a passing score on the Regents in English, they will sit for the exam in January.


Course Texts:

Siddhartha by Herman Hesse, The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini, and others.

* Subject to change

Course supplies:

  • 1.5 or 2 inch notebook

  • Chromebook

  • 1 folder

  • 1 packet of post-it notes

  • Black AND Blue Pens, pencils

  • Highlighters

  • Cover for texts

Grading Policy:


  1. Essays and group projects (30%)

  2. Classwork (25%)- Class activities will be checked for completion and will be collected for a grade. 

  3. Quizzes and tests (25%)

  4. Homework (5%)- outside of the reading requirements, activities will be checked for completion and collected.

  5. Exit ticket/ Do Now (15%)

Course Policy:


  1. Attendance: Students are expected to attend classes daily.

  2. Absences: Assignments must be submitted the day after you return.

  3. Late work: Assignments submitted late will be accepted the next day for half credit. Assignments will not be accepted after that date unless accompanied by a doctor’s note.

  4. Class decorum: Cell phones, headphones, or any form of electronic devices or apparatus other than a Chromebook will be confiscated.

  5. Plagiarism in any form is a serious academic infraction that violates school policies and widely accepted standards of academic behavior.  Because plagiarism is an infraction that calls into question the student’s personal integrity, the instructor may notify the advisors or coaches of any extra- or co-curricular activities in which the student participates.


Contact Information:


Mr. Croft                                     Ms.Reynolds

Room: 231                                  Room 231           


Please have your parent/guardian sign this syllabus for a 100% grade on a quiz.  


Student Name: ________________________________________


Student Signature: _____________________________________


Parent/Guardian Name: ________________________________________ Date:_____________


Parent/Guardian Sig:____________________________________ Phone:(_____)____________

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